Friday, January 2, 2015


The choices we make in life will probably determine the circumstances we face as we draw its final curtain.  While some may arrive as reactionaries, others perhaps come in rather peacefully.  For example, an acquaintance of mine, who was a nurse in a natal intensive care unit, once told me that after years of observing newborns, she was convinced each child had come into the world with its own particular temperament.  Obviously, throughout our sojourn here, we can choose the kind of highway on which we wish to travel.  It can be peaceful or full of twists and turns with ups and downs as well as ins and outs.  We can either help or hinder ourselves and others.  However, if we somehow learn to find the inherent wisdom we intrinsically harbor deep inside, we’ll locate and walk the pathway of peace, insight, freedom and personal growth.  As Mahatma Gandhi told us:  “The outward freedom that we shall attain will only be in exact proportion to the inward freedom to which we may have grown at a given moment.”  Therefore, as we look at the elderly man above, who is so obviously filled with love and compassion for nature, there should be no question as to the state of mind we’d prefer now and in our final moments.